
Max Pet - Optimum Power Dog Supplement (100 grams)

95.00 EGP

A complete natural powder product of the finest raw materials, And licensed as a veterinary food supplement, safe for all types of dogs and ages It is added & served to any type of dog food protocol either raw, fresh or dry food. Free from preservatives and artificial colours. A garnish with natural chicken flavor and provides your dog with all the necessary vitamins from vitamin B complex group 2, 6 and 12, folic acid, glucosamine and biotin Further to the essential minerals such as calcium, sodium, iron, selenium and zinc to improve your dog's general health and digestion. In addition to proper growth, raising immunity, and erecting puppies' ears. Moreover the Omega 3, 6 and 9 your dog needs for fine thick hair and reduce hair loss.

MaxPet is a pure natural & organic powder licensed from Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture as dog food supplement, when added within your daily loyal friend's dietary protocol and the improvement will be noticeable from the first 2 weeks. Free from preservatives, artificial colors and tinctures. Max Pet is containing complete group of vitamins of B complex (B2, B6 and B12), folic acid, glucosamine and biotin, as well as full-line of minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium and zinc which will rebuild the general health and boost immune system of your dog. In addition to the omega 3, 6 and 9 that your dog needs for smooth and thick hair.

Organic Powder product is suitable and safe for all types of dogs, ages including puppies and during pregnancy.

Dog food supplement with natural chicken flavor, added to your dog meals to convert it to supper premium dog food.

The perfect solution for your dog

- Stimulates and strengthens the immune system to resist diseases, and for skinny dogs, it makes them gain some weight.

- Maintains the skin with the gloss of the dog's hair and strengthens it

- Helps speed recovery after operations

- Strengthens and maintains overall health

- Supports and improves digestion

- Support general health during pregnancy and lactation to the mother and from her to the puppies

- On the proper growth and muscle building of the puppy and help ears erection.

The good result will appear clearly within 2 weeks.

Daily doses are according to your dog's body-weight.

The recommended daily doses are added to any dietary protocol, whether it is fresh food or dry food.

Small dog and puppies (Weight up to 14 kg)
1 teaspoon daily

Medium breed dog (Weight from 15 kg to 29 kg)
2 teaspoons daily

Large breed and pregnant dog  (Weight ​​more than 30 kg)
3 teaspoons daily