

The preferred and suggested eating amount for dogs

From the age of 30 days, puppies start to have their milk teeth, and they are very sharp
Glory be to God, this is one of the reasons why the mother starts to get hurt in her chest at the time of feeding, and thus begins to wean them and distances them from her. Here begins the time to provide soft food for the puppies, regardless of the type of integrated nutritional eating protocol. (We will talk about it in detail later).

At the age of 40 to 45 days, the mother begins to snarl strongly at them to completely move away from the issue of breastfeeding, and sometimes it is possible to bite the puppies to wean them and completely replace breastfeeding with food.

Feeding begins for puppies, and the number of meals from the age of one and a half to two months may reach six or five meals a day.

From the age of two months to the age of four months, four to five meals a day are possible

From four months to 6 or seven months, it is four to three meals a day

From 6 to 12 months old, it is 2 to 3 meals a day

From one year and over, it will be one or two meals a day.

For guard dogs, starting from the age of one year, the main meal is not preferred at night until it is alert and active at the time of the guard shift.

It is preferred that the main meal be early in the morning, so that the dog feels that it is a reward for him after a successful guarding shift, and therefore he eats and sleeps in the morning, and this is the time when he is not required to have a high guard, and the weather is also hot and sunny.

The highest and fastest growth rate for a dog is when it is a puppy
In the sense that the growth rate begins to decrease when it reaches the age of one and a half to two years.

Therefore, the relationship is a direct relationship between the number of meals and the age of the dog.

It is preferable to provide the Max Pet food supplement product for puppies from the age of two months, as the puppy derives immunity from the mother’s milk at the time of lactation, but after weaning, the puppy begins to form its own immunity, and this is the time when the puppy is most vulnerable to serious diseases and begins its vaccination schedule
Therefore, Max Pet product raises the level of immunity to compensate for the interruption of immunity derived from mother's milk, and thus protects the puppy from diseases at this time.

Sincerely, Max Pet Team